About Warriors II
Warriors is a fun game that is played FOR FREE right here on the net against your friends! When the mythological warriors of Valhalla died in battle, they were resurrected the next day, and they fought again. We will take you back to this time. Can you prove yourself a worthy warrior?

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Servertime: 13:46:04
  • Easy to use, Warriors2 is played in your web browser, you don't have to install anything! Easy!
  • 237 different enemies, stretching from Spiders to Dragons! The monsters in W2 has an AI that makes them smarter than in many other games.
  • 4 Playable races, These races have have different advantages/disadvantages. When you have made it with all four races, you unlock a Special race.
  • 20 different worlds with over 100 different locations. Amongst those places you can find Dungeons, Workshops, Stores, Joustingranges, Taverns and much more.
  • 27 different pets. Pets are Animals, and Beasts that can fight for you. They can also help you with other things.
  • Mighty companions. Along your adventures, you will find companions to help you on your mission. these characters have skills of their own and can help you out with many things!
  • over 507.000 different items. Items can be everything from a lousy Hat, to a mighty Sword with Godly magic!
  • 304 Quests. Quests are given to you in W2 from various types of characters, from farmers to the king himself!
  • + MORE . Warriors is constantly evolving so you can never know what to expect when you login tomorrow!

Welcome to the epic saga of WARRIORS2

Top ten Warriors Ranking:

(Active in this case means logged in the last 30 days)
[#38953] Madam Lanfear the Titan [DTEK] (Nils Iverlund)
833 rounds
[#17332] Lady Tyrson-Mangoe the Elf [FWP] (Tee Jay Green)
685 rounds
[#185044] Elf Nonaz the Elf [FWP] (mick walter)
399 rounds
[#43151] Duke Tuxo the Titan [DTEK] (Tee Jay Green)
328 rounds
[#147762] Lord Morbido the Dwarf [FWP] (Joel aka Jojo)
207 rounds
[#113158] Duchess Semirhage the Titan [FOG] (Nils Iverlund)
194 rounds
[#175611] Duchess Cyndane the Titan [FWP] (Nils Iverlund)
179 rounds
[#228833] Crown Princess Mathlar the Titan (Mark Harris)
120 rounds
[#1885] Duke Bleed the Titan [DTEK] (Kristofer Barta)
101 rounds
[#164] Baron Ponte the Titan [MOC] (Pontus Lindberg)
99 rounds

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